Exclusive Consideration; First Publication
A manuscript will not be considered, and should not be submitted, if it is under consideration for publication elsewhere, nor should a manuscript under consideration for publication by The Business Lawyer be submitted for consideration with another publication. Absent highly unusual circumstances, The Business Lawyer will not publish articles that have been previously published, in whole or in part, or that are substantially similar to previously published work.
Peer Review
The Business Lawyer is a peer-reviewed journal, and no article will be finally accepted for publication until it has completed the peer review process, including rewriting by the author(s) to satisfy peer review comments, under the direction of the Editor-in-Chief.
Professional Objectivity
Except with the approval of the Editor-in-Chief and appropriate disclosure in text or footnote, an article will not be accepted for publication if (1) an author, or an author’s firm or employer, is currently involved in any matter or proceeding, whether as party, counsel, expert witness, or otherwise, involvement in which could reasonably raise questions as to the author’s objectivity with respect to the subject matter of the article, or (2) an author has received or expects to receive payment or other compensation of any type for the article.
Publication Agreement; Reprints
No article will be published in The Business Lawyer unless and until each author has signed the standard form of ABA Publication Agreement. The Production Manager will furnish the ABA Publication Agreement to authors. The ABA reserves the right to grant permission to reprint any article appearing in The Business Lawyer.
Citations and Style
In general, text and footnotes should follow the style and citation format prescribed in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st Edition). The Editors of The Business Lawyer may, however, in their discretion deviate from the citation format prescribed in The Bluebook, and the decisions of the Editors as to issues of style and citation format shall be final. For questions of style not covered by The Bluebook, authors should consult The Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition, University of Chicago Press). Authority from esoteric sources or otherwise not readily accessible need to be submitted upon request of the Production Manager.
Student Work
Manuscripts by student authors or with student co-authors will not be considered for publication in The Business Lawyer, except that the winning paper in the Section of Business Law's Mendes Hershman Student Writing Contest may be considered for publication. Contest information may be obtained from Gina Dickinson at the Section of Business Law, [email protected].