Content Categories
Business Law Today publishes in several formats. When submitting a pitch, please identify the intended content category of your work.
The month’s most important and timely headlines. These are scannable, curated briefings, with each short entry 150–450 words. They might summarize a recent Supreme Court ruling, point to an interesting development in the field, or introduce a new lawsuit with broader implications for practitioners. Month-in-briefs should link to primary sources and should not include footnotes. Examples include “California Approves Commercial Financing Disclosures Regulations,” “SEC and CTFC Propose Amendments to Required Reporting by Private Funds,” and “Delaware Chancery Court Finds Tesla’s Purchase of SolarCity to Be Fair Despite Flawed Sale Process.”
Quick insights on timely issues relevant to practitioners. Articles offer a new or unique angle, analysis, or advice in around 750–1,800 words. Many of our articles work best with a hook—a concrete development (often a recent case or news item) that frames the piece. Examples of articles include “Diligencing AI-Enabled M&A Targets: Seven Things to Understand,” “Amgen, Black Knight, and Assa Abloy: Are Merger Settlements Making a Comeback?,” and “Delaware Court of Chancery Calls into Question Equitable Jurisdiction over Certain Claims for Release of Escrowed Funds.”
Longer-form content that offers deep analysis of a topic. These pieces often incorporate footnotes and analyze a number of cases as they track the development of a concept, or they might dive deep into a particular case, pulling in precedent and other impactful context to explicate its significance. In-depth articles are often behind a paywall, accessible to members of the American Bar Association’s Business Law Section. Examples of in-depth articles include “The Corporate Transparency Act Will Change the Way You Practice,” “The Fee Hike Dilemma: The U.S. Supreme Court Resolves Fee Dispute and Holds Fee Hike Unconstitutional,” and “The Nature of Fiduciary Duties Owed to Limited-Life Corporations.”
Practical resources such as checklists, model forms, and worksheets. Tools can be picked up easily to assist in practitioners’ work, whether they provide a quick guide to a topic or can be incorporated directly into a workflow. They consist of both the tool document itself—supported formats include PDFs, text documents, spreadsheets, and slideshows—and at least 200 words of introductory narrative describing in what circumstances the tool is useful and contextualizing the information it contains. Tools are published behind a paywall, accessible to members of the American Bar Association’s Business Law Section. Examples of tools include “The Art of Case Management: A Former Judge’s Tool for Mastering Deadlines,” “Model Standstill/Tolling Agreement,” and “Data License Checklist.”
Publication Guidelines
Business Law Today publishes articles and tools consistently as they are ready to go, while month-in-briefs are published monthly. Publicity emails go out at the start of the month and at mid-month. A submitted article can take from a few days to a few months to move from submission to publication, depending on the nearest publication date, available peer reviewers, length of piece, and editorial calendar; it’s best to plan for about two weeks as turn-around time.
The tone of the site tends toward journalistic and casual, less formal than much of legal and academic writing. Authors are not paid and maintain full publication rights following their appearance on the site. Business Law Today does not reprint previously published articles. We are, however, able to work with repurposed client alerts.
Submission Process
We accept both pitches and completed pieces. Submit to either the site editor or a practice area editor, listed below. Once an article is received, it will first go out for peer review and then be returned to the author as needed. Once the author has had the chance to address peer reviewer comments and revise the piece, the article will be returned to staff for copyediting in accordance with house style. The author will have a final chance to revise before publication. The author will also be responsible for drafting a brief summary for use in online publishing, signing a publication agreement, and submitting a biography and photo (1000x1000 or larger and 72 dpi).
Pitch an Editor
or contact an editor of the practice area you want to write in:
- Bankruptcy and Finance:
- Business Litigation and Dispute Resolution: Sara Bussiere, Armeen Mistry Shroff
- Business Regulation and Regulated Industries:
- Business Crimes & Corporate Compliance, Gaming Law, Government Affairs Practice, Sports Law: Margaret M. Cassidy
- Intellectual Property Law, Energy Law, Antitrust Law: Dredeir Roberts
- Cannabis Law, Environmental Law, Health & Life Sciences, Insurance Law: Perry Salzhauer
- Banking Law, Consumer Finance Law, Labor & Employment Law, Tax Law: Latif Zaman
- Corporations, LLCs and Partnerships: Tarik Haskins, Mark Hobson
- International Business Law: Mike Tallim
- Internet Law and Cybersecurity: Juliet Moringiello
- Legal Opinions and Ethics: Keith Fisher, Christina Houston
- Mergers and Acquisitions: Chauncey Lane, Yelena Dunaevsky
- Securities Law: Alan Wilson, Rani Doyle