Recent Developments in Employee Mobility, Restrictive Covenants and Trade Secrets 2024
2023 saw notable updates to trade secret and employee mobility laws in many states. This overview highlights implications for businesses and practitioners.
2023 saw notable updates to trade secret and employee mobility laws in many states. This overview highlights implications for businesses and practitioners.
The final rule, which deems employee noncompetes an “unfair method of competition” and provides for few exceptions, already faces legal challenges.
A recent US Tax Court case highlights how only certain private delivery services meet IRS guidelines for exceptions to the timely filing rule.
Analyzing the arbitration ruling in the Save Mart dispute, which effectively forced sellers to pay buyer for the acquisition, sheds light on what happened.
Formal Opinion 509 clarifies Model Rule 1.11(c)’s conflict of interest rules for lawyers who obtained confidential information during government service.
Dispute prevention mechanisms can bring great value to companies, facilitating finding solutions rather than defaulting to litigation or arbitration.
The 2023 Merger Guidelines significantly depart from prior versions. This article explores their evolution and notable aspects of the current approach.
U.S. federal securities laws may apply to tender offers and other business combination transactions even when they involve only non-U.S. companies.
Corporate boards must understand their duties under the landmark Caremark decision and other aspects of the legal liability of directors and officers.
AI companies offer scalable operations but pose unique risks, necessitating specialized advisory and risk mitigation strategies for buyers.
The court's ruling, which found the CTA exceeds Congress’s authority, applies only to the plaintiffs. However, additional lawsuits have been filed.
Attorneys and law firms have reason to receive and send more Forms 1099 than most, making it important to understand key issues and their tax implications.
As countries enact bolder collective action laws, fueling a wave of securities class actions, attorneys must understand their intricacies to guide clients.
In a recent decision, the Supreme Court clarified when silence isn’t securities fraud. Did AI understand the case? Hint: the world still needs lawyers.
The case will be significant in the regulatory landscape for the financial services industry as more states introduce DIDMCA opt-out legislation.
Month-in-Brief update: SCOTUS Rules Order Compelling Arbitration Requires Court to Stay Case; SCOTUS Clarifies FAA’s Transportation Exemption; and more.
Month-in-Brief update: DEA Proposes Rule to Reschedule Marijuana; SCOTUS Reverses Invalidation of CFPB Funding; and more from environmental to gaming law.
Month-in-Brief update: Luxembourg SCSp at 10 Years; Mexico Imposes New Temporary Import Tariffs; New Mexico City Regulations on Temporary Lodgings; & more.
Month-in-Brief update: Illinois Legislature Passes Bill to Amend BIPA; 2nd Circuit Finds Subway’s Promotional Texts Are Not Illegal Autodialing.
Month-in-Brief update: States Tackle Antitrust Issues in Healthcare; $200M Award against Buyer for Aiding and Abetting Sell-Side Fiduciary Duty Breaches.
Month-in-Brief update: PCAOB Adopts New Standards for Auditor Responsibilities and Quality Control, Advancing Strategic Plan.