In the current environment, financing take-private transactions by private equity sponsors has been uniquely challenging. Typical private equity financing structures are being replaced with novel and…
Drawing on interviews with partners, this article discusses what associates can do to improve their experience at work and ensure they avoid being on the list considered for layoffs if (when) things…
Fintech will likely experience an increase in M&A activity, and deal lawyers need to be keenly aware of industry-specific risks to engineer transactions that maximize value and ensure their clients r…
The Medicare Advantage risk adjustment data validation (RADV) final rule raises serious questions as to whether it falls within the circumstances where retroactive rulemaking applies, and the implica…
In IR-2023-12, the IRS sheds light on when to answer “yes” or “no” to the digital asset question that appears at the top of certain 2022 income tax returns.
This article will outline corporate directors’ ESG oversight obligations and provide a framework that boards can utilize to identify and evaluate ESG risks.
The beneficial effects of civic education are necessary for our well-being as a nation. Consequently, as members of the legal profession, we should engage in and promote civic education that will sup…
Let go of the fixed-mindset outlook that you’re either a good or bad person and embrace a growth mindset to facilitate better conversations on tough topics.
Today’s complex litigation with multijurisdictional and cross-border components requires defendants to implement a forward-thinking and highly coordinated approach early in the case.
In the last decade, significant legislative and regulatory developments have expanded access to capital for private companies, particularly early stage businesses.
Though one of the most significant 2022 changes to the Delaware General Corporation Law has been the subject of litigation, there are several reasons for public companies to remain optimistic about t…
The Netflix series Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street is a compelling and largely accurate portrayal of Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. Unfortunately, it glosses over some things and is incorrect about…
Bankruptcy & Finance Law Month-in-Brief update, Feb. 2023: It Was Only a Matter of Time—Calculating the statutory cap on damages for rejection of an unexpired lease of real property under section 502…
Business Litigation & Dispute Resolution update, Feb. 2023: New York Creates Alternative Means for Discovery in Light of Supreme Court’s Narrowing of 28 U.S.C. 1782; Lordstown Motors decision; and mo…
Business Regulation & Regulated Industries Month-in-Brief update, Feb. 2023: CFPB Proposes Rule to Limit Credit Card Late Fees and more, from banking law to employment law.
Corporations, LLCs & Partnerships Month-in-Brief Update, Feb. 2023: Court of Chancery Confirms that Corporate Officers Owe a Fiduciary Duty of Oversight Under Delaware Law, and more.
Internet Law & Cybersecurity updates, Feb. 2023: An Update on the Current State of Data Privacy in the United States, Illinois Supreme Court Holds That Under BIPA Every Scan Counts, and more.