A series of lawsuits out of New York and California will subject Most-Favored Nations clauses to scrutiny under U.S. antitrust law. The suits target different markets, but they boil down to the same…
The CFPB released an advisory opinion concerning earned wage access, concluding the “Covered EWA Programs” do not involve offering or extension of credit under Regulation Z.
The Delaware Chancery Court in JUUL Labs, Inc. v. Grove held that the inspection of books and records of a Delaware corporation is governed by Delaware law notwithstanding a California statute to the…
This article highlights common insolvency-related topics for a company and its directors and officers to consider before, during, and after bankruptcy to minimize risk of uncovered losses and maximiz…
A decision from the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia emphasized neither attorney-client privilege nor work product protection will shield a report provided by a third party retained b…
The latest update to the Derivatives and Futures Law Committee’s white paper on jurisdictional issues associated with digital products and processes provides in-depth analysis of current issues in th…