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Program Audio Collection

Asset-Based Financing Solutions in Fund Finance: Structuring, Risk Management, and Other Practical Considerations

Elizabeth Rebecca Tabas, Flora Min-Jeong Go, Matthew R. Hays, Tess Claudia Virmani, Genevieve Weiner, and Richard Wheelahan

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Asset-based fund finance strategies have grown rapidly. Investors are now seeking to better understand and manage exposures and risks across their portfolios and the impacts on their risk-return profiles. The presentation will look at (i) recent developments leading to adoption of structured finance and other technologies, (ii) collateral diligence and documentation, (iii) the role of ratings and insurance, (iv) tools to isolate and monitor risk, and (v) restructuring tools and risk considerations in downside scenarios.


The content of this program does not meet requirements for continuing legal education (CLE) accreditation. You will not receive CLE credit for participating.
