Agency Comments and Resolutions
Salley, Stephen
Beauregard, Alyn
Mission Statement
The mission of the Agency Comments and Resolutions Subcommittee includes analyzing and commenting on matters that will impact banking law, regulation, and related policy. Among other things, the subcommittee works on matters related to proposed rulemaking by the banking agencies, as well as proposed ABA resolutions relating to legislative and policy matters. The subcommittee is charged with identifying the consensus views of the Banking Law Committee and conveying those views to necessary constituencies.
Bank Examination Privilege Task Force
Mayer, Frank
Mission Statement
The mission of the Bank Examination Privilege Task Force is to evaluate issues related to transparency from banking agencies in connection with requests for privileged information, and considering matters relating to reasonable parameters. The subcommittee is working on developing a consensus opinion of the Banking Law Committee regarding certain key issues pertaining to the bank examination privilege, and vehicles for developing mutually agreeable solutions for regulators and the industry.
Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering
Toomey, Kevin
Stier, Dave
Mission Statement
The mission of the Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering Subcommittee is to provide a platform to understand the laws and regulations related to anti-money laundering, counter threat finance, and economic sanctions. The subcommittee facilitates discussions concerning developments in these areas that impact the banking and financial services industry.
Commercial and Real Estate Lending
Thompson, Matt
Mission Statement
The mission of the Commercial and Real Estate Lending Subcommittee is to identify and evaluate current legal issues in commercial and real estate lending. The subcommittee typically offers substantive programming on these topics at the Spring and Fall Meetings of the ABA Business Law Section.
Compliance, Examination and Audit
Hall, Kari
Shafer, Jason
Dasgupta, Sohan
Lomax, Shelby
Mission Statement
The mission of the Compliance, Examination and Audit Subcommittee is to identify and analyze trends in compliance, bank examinations and audits. The subcommittee typically offers substantive programming on these topics at the Spring and Fall Meetings of the ABA Business Law Section.
Enforcement, Insider Liability and Troubled Banks
Bonici, Max
Bornfreund, Matthew
Covert, Jason
Clegg, Brendan
Mission Statement
The mission of the Enforcement, Insider Liability, and Troubled Banks subcommittee is to identify and analyze trends in bank enforcement actions, director and officer liability, and troubled and failed banks. The subcommittee typically offers substantive programming on these topics at the Spring and Fall Meetings of the ABA Business Law Section.
In-House Counsel
Doran, Brian
Paulsen, Margaret
Berkowitz, Phil
Mission Statement
The mission of the In-House Counsel Subcommittee is to identify and analyze issues faced by in-house counsel at financial institutions. Such matters often involve interactions with various internal and external individuals and entities, such as compliance departments, outside counsel, regulators, and vendors. The subcommittee typically offers substantive programming on these topics at the Spring and Fall Meetings of the ABA Business Law Section.
International Banking
Portilla, David
Chen, C. Michelle
Pelzer, Karen
Mission Statement
The mission of the International Banking Subcommittee is to identify domestic and international legal issues that impact both international banks and U.S. banks with international activities. The subcommittee typically offers substantive programming on these topics at the Spring and Fall Meetings of the ABA Business Law Section.
Law School Teaching
Gabilondo, Jose
Baker, Colleen
Mission Statement
The mission of the Law School Teaching Subcommittee is to create a forum in which law school professors can share relevant topics, methodologies, and syllabi. The subcommittee typically offers substantive programming on these topics at the Spring and Fall Meetings of the ABA Business Law Section.
Legislation and Regulation
Mancusi, Michael
Bisanz, Matthew
Cotton, Andre
James, Eric
Mission Statement
The Legislation and Regulation Subcommittee monitors legislative and regulatory developments impacting financial institutions, and interacts with relevant decisionmakers in the Legislative and Executive branches. This subcommittee also organizes and leads our Winter Standalone meeting in Washington, D.C.
Loan Workouts and Bankruptcy
Cavallaro, Michael
Knabe, Kris
Bryan, Erin
Mission Statement
The mission of the Loan Workouts and Bankruptcy Subcommittee is to identify and analyze current legal issues relating to loan workouts and bankruptcy. The subcommittee typically offers substantive programming on these topics at the Spring and Fall Meetings of the ABA Business Law Section.
Mergers, Acquisitions and Strategic Initiatives
Anderson, Jarryd
Tipton, Taylor
Cohen, Adam
Mission Statement
Understanding transactions and sharing transactional insights constitute the objectives of this subcommittee. Topics include document preparation, application procedures and substantive issues (antitrust, capital and financial condition and Community Reinvestment Act and convenience and needs of the community) relating to the purchase of banks and thrifts, the assisted purchase of troubled or closed banks or thrifts, the acquisition of nonbank subsidiaries, branch openings and closings, Hart Scott Rodino Act purchases and sales of assets, and liquidating banks.