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The Business Law Section is committed to informing and educating its members. We believe that shared wisdom and experiences can help to enrich the skills and knowledge of business lawyers. The Business Law Advisors program was designed to place leaders of the profession into a position to help inform and educate younger members of the Section by getting involved in the Section's activities. 

Who are Advisors?

Business Law Advisors are individuals who have distinguished themselves as practitioners, teachers, or government officials in one or more of the areas in which committees of the Business Law Section are active. Business Law Advisors need not have previously been active in the Section. The Section looks for lawyers with national reputations who have the experience and judgment necessary to help inform and educate younger members of the profession. The Section is not necessarily seeking lawyers with current cutting edge knowledge of specific legal issues. Rather, it seeks individuals who can share the wisdom and knowledge they have accumulated over years of practice. Business Law Advisors serve a one-year term and are financially supported by the Section to attend up to four Section meetings each year of their term.


To nominate an Advisor, complete the online Business Law Advisors Nomination form. Please contact Chad Johannes at [email protected] or (312) 988-6027 for more information.

Selection Process

A selection committee comprised of the Business Law Advisors Committee Chair and Vice-Chairs; Section Chief of Diversity and Inclusion; Former Section Chairs; a Council Committee on Membership, Diversity, and Inclusion member and Former Business Law Advisors review all nominations submitted by any Section member. Appointments are made by the Section Chair based on recommendations from the selection committee.

Up to two Business Law Advisors are selected each year to serve a two-year term. Terms begin at the Section Midwinter Leadership Meeting.

Program Overview

  • Up to 2 individuals are selected each year for a one-year term, with the option to extend to two, through a Section-wide nomination process.
  • The Section sponsors Advisors attendance at meetings during their initial terms.
  • Advisors provide knowledge and insight to one or more substantive law committees in the areas of their expertise.
  • Advisors are lawyers with national reputations who have the experience and judgment necessary to help inform and educate younger members of the profession and can share the wisdom and knowledge they have accumulated over years of practice.
  • Over 40 Advisors have been involved in the program since 2001 and many are still actively involved in Section activities.

A critical feature of the Program is a commitment by selected Business Law Advisors to share wisdom and experience with members of the Section by:

  • Actively participating in two, assigned substantive committees
  • Attending the Business Law Section Fall Meeting and participating in Business Law Advisors Committee activities; the Council Meeting; and their assigned substantive committee's meetings, programs and activities
  • Attending the stand-alone committee meeting of their assigned substantive committees
  • Attending the Section's Midwinter Leadership Meeting and participating in the Council Meeting
  • Attending the Section's Spring Meeting and participating in the Business Law Advisors Committee meeting; the Council Meeting; and their assigned substantive committee's meetings, programs and activities
  • Participating in Section Outreach activities for law students and young lawyers

Current Business Law Advisor

  • José Ramón González (2024-2025)
    Equitable Holdings
  • William F. Kroener III (2023-2025)
    Sullivan & Cromwell



  • Patrick Thomas Clendenen

Additional Resources