“I think you can make meetings magical” may be one of the larger promises ever uttered—up there with “Nutella is good for you” and “This pill lets you lose weight without dieting or exercise.” But that is the claim that Christina Plum bravely led with at the 2017 NABE Annual Meeting in New York.
In their careers, the bar professionals who made up the large audience had collectively attended, let’s say, a billion meetings on matters large and small. Their reaction to Plum’s smiling assurance was friendly but skeptical, as they live in a trust-but-verify world. What was this magic she spoke of?
If anything helped support Plum’s grand assertion, it’s that her own experience suggests she walks the walk about the way we all talk—and talk—in meetings. She is an attorney at the Wisconsin Court of Appeals and an adjunct professor at the University of Wisconsin Law School. She’s served as YLD president in the Badger State, and in the ABA. In her work life and in her many service capacities, Plum has led and attended a billion meetings herself—many that include members of the bar, the bench and the public. She would seem to be the ideal speaker on the topic of “Getting Control of In-Person and Teleconference Meetings.”