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May 01, 2017 Vol. 41, No. 5

Help us choose the ‘best of’ Bar Leader!

by Marilyn Cavicchia

Every July-August issue of Bar Leader marks a change that you might not have even noticed before: It’s the end of one volume, before we start a new one in September-October.

Summer is also a good time to try new things, so we thought we’d do something a little different in the July-August issue … and we need your help.

We want to highlight some of the best articles in this volume of Bar Leader—and we want you to determine what those best ones are.

To refresh your memory, here’s all of the current volume in one place (click on a particular issue to see all of its articles, not just the “features”).

Is there one particular article that made you sit up and take notice, that prompted further discussion or action, that you passed around or reprinted, that has stuck with you? If so, please let us know! It will help not only with this “best of” feature, but also in planning for the Bar Leader year ahead.

To participate, please email the editor by the close of business on June 9, 2017. Let us know which article struck a chord with you, and why. We’ll use that to determine which articles to highlight, and—with your permission, of course—we may also use your comments as a way to introduce the article you’ve selected.

Thank you, as always, for reading Bar Leader, and we hope you’ll take a minute to help us look back … and move forward.