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September-October 2013

Vol. 38 No. 1  

Featured Articles

Professional Development

Gen what? Experts give tips on communicating with Generations X and Y

You know you need to reach out to your younger members and potential members. But how? And do you know what one word should be in all of your bar’s promotional materials? Here’s a summary of the specific, practical tips that were discussed during a joint program at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the National Conference of Bar Presidents, National Association of Bar Executives, and National Conference of Bar Foundations.

Professional Development

Straight from the source: What Gen Y/Millennial lawyers need most

If you came to their law school, your presence barely registered—and they wish they’d seen you more. They crave “how to practice” help and connection, and they don’t necessarily want to socialize just with other young lawyers. One of the most useful things you offer them is one that you might think is passé. Though hardly scientific, Bar Leader’s recent conversations with four Gen Y/Millennial lawyers might surprise you—and will definitely give you a lot to think about.

Leadership Development

Stepping up! Bar leaders for gender equity in the legal profession

Did you know that only 15 percent of equity partners in the nation’s largest law firms are women—and that this has remained largely unchanged for the past seven years? Or that only 2 percent of partners are women of color? Now that you know, what can you do about it? Laurel G. Bellows, immediate past president of the American Bar Association, has some ideas—and a downloadable toolkit that she calls a “conference in a box”—that will help you make important changes within your legal community.