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Bar Leader March-April 2013

Vol. 37 No. 4  

Featured Articles

Leadership Development

Beyond diversity: The bar leader’s role in fostering inclusion

“Diversity is being invited to the party, but inclusion is being asked to dance.” That’s according to Vernā Myers, an author and expert on diversity and inclusion in the legal profession. Myers advised attendees at this year’s BLI on how to overcome the biases that each of us has in order to make sure the bar association is as welcoming and inclusive as it can and should be. Do you know what your own biases are, and how to avoid the “fish in water” problem?

Professional Development

NABE members, bar leaders offer an inside look at leadership academies

At the Midyear Meeting of the National Association of Bar Executives in Dallas this past February, bar staff members and leaders—including recent and not-so-recent leadership academy graduates—shared their experiences in establishing and building successful academies. One tip: To ensure maximum benefit for both the bar and the participants, think of the leadership academy as a significant long-term investment, not a quick hit.

Professional Development

No staff? Small staff? Presidents share how they accomplished big things for the bar

Just because a bar association has a small staff—or no staff at all—doesn’t mean it can’t make big plans. But the question is, who will do the work? At BLI this past March, a panel of past presidents of unstaffed or minimally staffed bar associations shared how they collaborated with other bars, kept their volunteers on task, and otherwise made smart use of their time and other resources. Elizabeth M. Derrico, associate director of the ABA Division for Bar Services, highlighted some ways the division can help.