Practice Technology Print? Online? Both? by Marilyn Cavicchia Attendees at October’s National Association of Bar Executives Communications Section Workshop were likely almost unanimous in finding the information shared by Chris Ferrell both sobering and enlightening.
Practice Technology Reporter, professor shares insights on the future of communications by Marilyn Cavicchia “The idea that communication jobs are going to go away in the future is ridiculous,” Alligood told attendees at the National Association of Bar Executives Communications Section Workshop in Nashville this past October.
Practice Technology Focus on Video: Another way to tell your bar’s story by Marilyn Cavicchia Once, not that long ago, communicating effectively meant pushing out news via press releases, e-blasts, and items on the bar website. Not anymore, said Rick DeBruhl, chief communications officer for the State Bar of Arizona.
Diversity & Inclusion New institute presents a different model for diversity and inclusion by Kimberly Vann Increasing diversity and inclusion in the legal profession has been described as a long-distance race. The Institute for Inclusion in the Legal Profession, a relatively new organization in Chicago, aims to create “Real Change, Now.”
Lawyer Wellness Senior moments: Expert customer service tips on how to assist older members by Nancy Friedman, the Telephone Doctor Whether they’re remaining in practice longer or going on inactive status, many lawyers are staying on as bar members well into their golden years—and many of them prefer to pick up the phone when they need service, rather than being told, “You can do that online.”
Court Administration Restoring Our Courts, Together by Wm. T. (Bill) Robinson III When we underfund our courts, we undermine our democracy. Budget cuts to the judiciary threaten economic growth and public safety. They jeopardize the independence of the legal profession and America’s constitutional system of justice.
Court Administration Coming Together Closing Gaps: Bars call on unusual allies to battle crisis in court funding by Robert J. Derocher The stark and startling budget numbers leave ABA President Wm. T. (Bill) Robinson III little doubt about the perilous state of judicial branch funding nationwide.