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September-October 2007

Vol. 31 No. 1  

Featured Articles


At-Risk youth: Bar associations and foundations lend a helping hand

Helping at-risk youth is high on the list of priorities for new ABA President Karen Mathis, and has long been a priority for bars across the country. Be inspired as you read about the great programs being conducted by your colleagues, and about some exciting developments under way at the ABA. What can your bar do to help keep children and teens in school, out of trouble, and looking toward a bright future?

Practice Technology

Better safe than sorry: Keeping your bar’s network secure

What are some of the biggest threats to the security of your bar's network and information, and what should you be doing to ward off those threats? Which has more potential for harm: the malicious hacker or the well-meaning but careless staff member? Bar association IT professionals discuss what they're doing to keep their bars safe, and ways bars in different regions can work together in case of a disaster.