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January-February 2004

Vol. 28 No. 3  

Featured Articles

Practice Management

Balancing the budget: Associations and foundations feel the strain

Even as bar associations and foundations have been trying to help members and the justice system cope with a soft economy, they have also had to tighten their own purse strings. There have been some cuts in programs and staff, but some bars have also seen an increase in collaboration and in corporate sponsorships. See why some say learning to “run lean” has not been an entirely bad thing.

Legal community works toward forgiveness of student debt

It’s an ongoing problem: Many of our nation’s poor do without adequate legal representation. Meanwhile, countless service-minded law students graduate each year, eager to help ... if only they could. Across the country, the legal community—including bar associations and foundations—is pulling together to establish loan repayment assistance programs. The goal? To ease the burden of debt many new lawyers carry, so that those who want to serve, can.