Can the FTC Turn Back the Clock?
The authors argue that “unfair methods of competition” under Section 5 of the FTC Act must be based on harm to competition to survive Supreme Court scrutiny.
Volume 21, Issue 2
The authors argue that “unfair methods of competition” under Section 5 of the FTC Act must be based on harm to competition to survive Supreme Court scrutiny.
Frank Jiang, Scott Yu, and John Jiang offer a timely and practical discussion of China’s new Platform Guidelines, including implications for platform-economy transactions.
Craig Minerva, Loren K. Smith, and Peter Herrick explain that complementarity should also be considered as an inextricably-linked procompetitive effect in merger analysis, rather than an incognizable…
Citing increased agency scrutiny of vertical mergers, te authors provide practical advice for in-house counsel on properly handling competitively sensitive information in a vertically integrated firm…
The consumer welfare standard in Lawrence J. White's "Rethinking Antitrust" paper (forthcoming) and Davis, Cramer, Streater, & Suter's "Antitrust As Antiracism: Antitrust as a Partial Cure for System…