Renata Hesse, Bill Kovacic, Nancy Rose, Carl Shapiro, and Daniel Francis hold a discussion of the road ahead in the US v. Google litigation, including the remedial possibilities -- and challenges -- that await the court, the parties, and the public.
US v. Google: What Lies Ahead
Daniel Simon Francis, Carl Shapiro, Nancy L Rose, Renata Bianca Hesse, and William E. Kovacic
Carl Shapiro
Carl Shapiro is Professor of the Graduate School at the Haas School of Business and the Department of Economics at the University of California at Berkeley. He also is the Transamerica Professor of Business...
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Nancy L Rose
MIT Department of Economics
Nancy L. Rose is the Charles P. Kindleberger Professor of Applied Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where her teaching and research focus on industrial organization, competition policy, and the economics...
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Renata Bianca Hesse
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
Ms. Hesse serves as the Antitrust Section's Publications Officer. She is co-head of Sullivan & Cromwell's antitrust practice, and is resident in the Washington, DC office. Ms. Hesse joined Sullivan &...
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William E. Kovacic
George Washington University Law School
William E. Kovacic is the Global Competition Professor of Law and Policy at the George Washington University Law School and is Director of the Law School's Competition Law Center. He also is a Visiting Professor at King's...
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