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Ex Ante Competition Regulation of Platforms Around the World: A Complement or Obstacle to Effective Competition Enforcement?

Alden F Abbott, Dajena Pechersky, Samir R Gandhi, Vani Chetty, Eduardo Perez Motta, Alexandre de Streel, and Dirk Auer

Multiple jurisdictions, including ones with robust competition laws, are rapidly adopting legal regimes to regulate the competition of major digital platforms. Will these new regimes enhance or detract from innovation and high tech competition? Our expert panelists will discuss the implications for international competition, practitioners and, the future of the global innovation economy. Explore how emerging legal frameworks intersect with the rapidly evolving landscape of digital innovation, and the potential ramifications for businesses operating across borders.

Experts discuss the Digital Markets Act (DMA) as a complement to EU competition law and highlight the rationale behind the DMA, which aims to address market failures and anti-trust limitations in the digital platform economy. Panelists also discuss the potential implementation of DMA-style regulations in Latin America, particularly focusing on the perspective from Mexico.

The content of this program does not meet requirements for continuing legal education (CLE) accreditation. You will not receive CLE credit for participating.
