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Antitrust Magazine Publication Procedures

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Antitrust Magazine is the premier magazine devoted exclusively to antitrust and consumer protection law. It has a circulation of about 7,000, which goes to all ABA Antitrust Section members in the United States and abroad, and to individual subscribers and libraries.

Antitrust Magazine is published three times a year by the American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law in early December (Fall), March (Spring), and July (Summer). Issues may include cover stories on a theme, other articles and features, developments, interviews, a letter from the Section Chair, letters to the editor, and advertisements for Section periodicals and programs.

Antitrust Magazine features original forward-looking articles of practical interest to attorneys, economists, and judges dealing with new court decisions, legislation, or other recent developments. Articles by parties or counsel engaged in a litigation about issues involved in that litigation ordinarily are not accepted while the litigation is pending. Articles previously published elsewhere and student-written submissions will not be accepted. No compensation is paid for articles published in the magazine.

Antitrust Magazine welcomes authors’ submission of unsolicited articles and ideas for articles. Submissions and proposals must be submitted by the authors and not by a third party. Articles are reviewed by at least three members of the Editorial Board and are accepted conditionally upon revision and/or rewriting by the author and one or more Editors. The magazine's Editorial Board confers periodically as needed to discuss ideas and articles for the forthcoming issue. Regular board meetings to review submissions and plan issues are held in August, October, February, April, and July.

Ideas and articles should be submitted electronically here. Article length in general should not exceed 5,000 words or 16 double-spaced pages. Endnotes should be kept to a minimum, and preferably should not exceed 30 in number. The magazine generally follows the citation form of the latest edition of the Bluebook.

Once an article is selected for publication in the magazine, the final decision whether or not to publish rests with the Editors. If an article is selected for publication, it may not appear in any other publication before it appears in the magazine. Permission from the ABA to post, reprint, republish, or reproduce materials published in the magazine is required. Such permission is normally granted to the author of an article, provided the original ABA publication is acknowledged.