The Chair’s Showcase: The Future of Antitrust
A symposium on the future of antitrust, featuring leading antitrust thinkers from government, academia, and the antitrust bar.
Volume 35, Issue 3
A symposium on the future of antitrust, featuring leading antitrust thinkers from government, academia, and the antitrust bar.
The current push for antitrust reform stands to affect more than the Big Tech companies alone. Those effects are also unlikely to stop at the U.S. border.
Antitrust law urgently needs to free itself of laissez-faire ideology. This can be done by replacing Chicago School doctrine with a constellation of rebuttable presumptions favoring antitrust plainti…
The United States stands at the threshold of a major realignment of its competition policy regime. There is a new body of recent commentary and related advocacy referred to as the "transformation mov…
Before tearing down antitrust precedents, reformers should understand the historical context that led the judiciary to its present interpretation of the Sherman and Clayton Acts.
This article discusses antitrust enforcement as part of protection efforts against monopolization in digital platforms
The foundation of antitrust law should be to preserve the competitive process rather than maximize consumer welfare.
The rapid growth and size of some companies, new business models, and increased focus on the labor markets have generated a volatile discussion about the future of antitrust policy and enforcement.
This article explores the evolution of SEP policy at the U.S. antitrust agencies, and what may lie ahead at the start of the Biden administration.
Recent cases suggest that private lawsuits against mergers will continue to increase; resource limitations by federal antitrust agencies may leave an enforcement gap.
In deciding on the appropriate standard of proof at class certification, departures from an optimal standard for judging class actions could, under certain assumptions, harm certain parties or lead t…
The Supreme Court's decision in AMG Capital Management, Inc. v. FTC may impact pending FTC enforcement actions and future enforcement strategies.
By the end of 2020, the trajectory of merger enforcement seemed to have changed, clearly and decisively pointing towards increased intervention and diverging from recent Republican administrations.
Mergers and network sharing agreements entered into as part of the 5G rollout have the potential to benefit consumers through increased investment. However, they may also reduce competitive tension b…
One part of a series studying the Antitrust Project, co-led by Aaron Director and Edward Levi, which laid the foundations for the Chicago School of Antitrust.