The Antitrust Law Journal always welcomes submission of scholarly, original, and thought-provoking articles on any significant current issues in the fields of antitrust, data privacy, and consumer protection law.
Currently, the Journal is asking for papers on three topics:
Microsoft @ 25: Impact, Influence, and Legacy. This symposium will consider Microsoft’s impact on the development of U.S. monopoly law and policy, its influence on today’s consideration of digital markets, and its durable legacy.
Antitrust Exemptions for Joint Negotiations. This symposium will discuss a possible antitrust exemption for joint negotiation entities of small players against counterparties with market power.
A Trend Towards Concentration: The Resurrection of an Abandoned Theory? The new 2023 Merger Guidelines state that a merger could violate the law “if it contributes to a trend toward concentration.” This theory hasn’t been in the Guidelines since 1968, and its last predominant use was in Von’s Grocery and Pabst Brewing in 1966. The Journal welcomes articles exploring this development, which will be published as freestanding articles or as part of a symposium depending on the scope, quality, and quantity of submissions.
To submit an article for consideration, please email [email protected]. All article submissions should conform to the Journal’s Authors’ Guide.