In both respects, and regardless of the appropriate level or contours of antitrust enforcement—which we will not debate here—transparency in enforcement provides legal certainty for businesses, facilitating antitrust compliance through predictable processes and results without unnecessarily chilling legitimate, procompetitive conduct.
In this article, we discuss the state of procedural and substantive transparency in antitrust enforcement. We focus on the United States, but this analysis would not be complete without an evaluation of how other agencies approach the topic with respect to their decision-making. This article is divided into four Parts. We start with a foundational analysis of the importance of transparency in antitrust enforcement (Part I). We then describe the ways in which EU and UK competition authorities provide transparency to the legal community, businesses, and individuals, giving a perspective on the advantages and disadvantages of the various regimes (Part II). Next, we turn to the U.S. system, and we describe what the Department of Justice Antitrust Division and the Federal Trade Commission do today to enhance transparency as well as challenges to transparency at the agencies (Part III). And finally, we describe opportunities for improvement to transparency in competition enforcement (Part IV).
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