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Antitrust Law Journal

Volume 83, Issue 1

Symposium: Vertical Restraints and Collusion

Vertical Restraints and Collusion: Issues and Challenges

Patrick Rey

While cartels and vertical restraints have both been the object of intense scrutiny, research at the intersection of these two strands of the economics literature remains remarkably scarce.

May 20, 2020 25 minutes


The New Crisis in Antitrust (?)

Daniel A Crane

The Chicago School's claims of a crisis of excessive antitrust enforcement in the 1960s may have been overstated. Similarly, contemporary claims of inadequate antitrust enforcement may also be overst…

May 20, 2020 28 minutes

Antitrust Law and Its Critics

A. Douglas Melamed

Antitrust law is the subject of substantial current controversy, criticism, and purposed reform but the thinking thus far has taken place in two separate conversations: one between conservatives and…

May 20, 2020 42 minutes
