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The Bar Service Award is a symbol of excellence and one of the highest honors bestowed by the Antitrust Law Section of the American Bar Association. It recognizes individuals who have made a significant impact in the fields of competition, consumer protection, or data privacy law and has set a remarkable standard for all antitrust lawyers to aspire to. The award celebrates the dedication and passion of Section members who have distinguished themselves through their exceptional service to the Association and the legal profession.

Last awarded in 2020 to Tara Koslov, deputy director of the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Competition in recognition of her outstanding service to the ABA and of her distinguished career as an antitrust legal practitioner where she has demonstrated superior leadership abilities and policy expertise.

The ABA Section of Antitrust Bar Service Award was created to emphasize the Section's appreciation for and encouragement of professionalism within the antitrust bar. Each year, the leadership of the Antitrust Law Section chooses one of its members to receive the Bar Service Award for exceptional service to the profession. However, the award is not presented every year.

To request more information regarding the Bar Service Award, or to nominate an ABA Antitrust Law Section member, please email section staff. 

2020 Winner: Tara Koslov, Washington DC

ABA Journal: Tara Isa Koslov brings passion for antitrust law to the ABA