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Volume 31, Number 2


Featured Articles

Mental Health

Mental Distress for Airline Lawyers: The Sixth Circuit’s Decision in Doe v. Etihad

The Sixth Circuit’s recent decision in Doe v. Etihad could have significant liability implications for airlines. The court held that passengers may obtain mental distress damages from an air carrier under the Montreal Convention independent of any physical injury suffered. This decision runs counter to decades of precedent under the Montreal and Warsaw Conventions. The author warns that Etihad may make courts in the Sixth Circuit a more attractive venue for plaintiffs’ counsel.

Federal Government

DOT and FAA Regulatory Reform under the Trump Administration

President Donald J. Trump, acting on his campaign promise, initiated an aggressive “regulatory reform” agenda intended to downsize the imprint and reduce the influence of the federal government. After an immediate “regulatory freeze” and initial review of all pending rulemaking at federal agencies, the administration embarked on a novel reform effort aimed at the federal rulemaking process. Through a series of executive orders (EOs), supported by guidance from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and his proposed budget to Congress, the president has directed agencies to scrutinize their regulations and other agency actions. This article reviews how the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have implemented the president’s regulatory reform agenda.


Air & Space

Chair’s Message

Happy early summer! Have you joined one of our five Committees: Space Law; Consumer Protection; Drones; General, Business and Charter Aviation; or Aviation and Space Finance—or attended one of our webinars or conferences? Have you “liked” our Facebook page or checked out the great pictures of our events? How about our LinkedIn group? If so, let us know how we are doing or what you think we still need to do. If not, get going! There are a lot of exciting things happening at the Forum, and you want to be in on the action! There are always opportunities to get involved and make a mark, so please let me know if you are interested.