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Message from the Chair

Abby L. Bried - Chair, Forum on Air & Space

Abby L. Bried - Chair, Forum on Air & Space

Welcome to the Forum on Air and Space Law!  

I’m delighted to welcome you to the premier association of lawyers involved in aviation and aerospace. Our Forum covers the spectrum of law and policy, from regulations and transactions to competition and urban mobility; spans the breadth of the industry, from airports and airlines to manufacturers and commercial space companies; and encompasses technologies from UAS through supersonic airplanes to satellites and space vehicles. We offer a great platform for education and networking, and for interaction with lawyers from the private sector, including both in-house and in law firms, and from government, trade associations, and academe. 

As a member of the Forum, you have access to:

  • The Air and Space Lawyer, the Forum’s quarterly publication on developments in air and space law.
    The Forum’s Annual Conference (in 2023, to be held in Dallas, Texas and in California in 2024).
  • The Forum’s “Washington Update Conference,” held annually in February in Washington, D.C. to maximize government lawyers’ participation.
  • Committee membership, meetings, and activities covering specialized areas such as UAS, space law, airports, cargo operations, and aircraft finance and transactions.
  • A wide range of CLE programs offered at Forum conferences and committee events.
  • Periodic mentoring, social and networking events offered for Younger Lawyers.
  • Opportunities to participate and lead in the Forum and broader ABA governance
  • An invaluable platform to meet and network with peers in this ever evolving, diverse, and exciting industry.

If I can be of any assistance to you in the interim, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected]  or Forum Staff.

Thank you for your membership.

Abby L. Bried
Chair, Forum on Air & Space
Vice President & General Counsel, Panasonic Avionics Corporation
Irvine, CA