February 16, 2022
2022 Space Law Symposium - Course Materials
Moderator: Jessica Noble, General Counsel at Nanoracks, Washington, DC
Karl Kensinger, Chief, International Bureau Satellite Division, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC (invited)
Glenn Tallia, Section Chief, Office of General Counsel at NOAA, Washington, DC
David Balajthy, Attorney-Advisor at FAA Commercial Space Law Branch, Washington, DC
Tony Lin, Partner at DLA Piper, Washington, DC
The View from the Ground: Spaceport Operations
Moderator: Arjun Garg, Partner, Hogan Lovells, Washington, DC
Sabrina Jawed, Attorney, Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, DC
Janet Schafer, Director of Real Estate Development & Leasing, Houston Airport System, Houston, TX
Ramzi Masri-Elyafaoui, Government Affairs Associate, Virgin Galactic, Washington, DC
Practical Advice for Attorneys in New Space
Moderator: Alexis Sainz, Partner, Milbank LLP, Washington, DC
Jerry McIntyre, Director of Strategic Alliances & Senior Counsel, Orbit Fab, Denver, CO
Bailey Reichelt, Partner, Aegis Trade Law, Washington, DC
Megan Sieffert, Spaceflight Counsel, AGC, Axiom Space, Houston, TX
Erin Weber, General Counsel, ABL Space Systems, El Segundo, CA
Intellectual Property Developments in Commercial Space
Moderator: Randy Segel, Partner, Hogan Lovells, Washington, DC
Kurt Hammerle, Intellectual Property Attorney, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX
Alice Garber, Sr. Director Intellectual Property, Blue Origin, Kent, WA
Gilberto Espinoza, Sr Technical Attorney, Axiom Space, Houston, TX
Optical Communications: Development, Adoption, and Potential Regulation
Moderator: Patricia Cooper, Consultant, Washington D.C.
Jodi Goldberg, Associate Attorney, Washington D.C.
Tim Deaver, Vice President Strategic Solutions, Arlington VA
Matthew Botwin, Regulatory & Government Affairs Principal, DLA Piper, Washington, DC
Dr. Greg Kuperman, Program Manager, Space Technology Office, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, VA
CLE Credit
The ABA will seek 8.75 hours of CLE credit in 60-minute states, and 10.50 hours of CLE credit for this program in 50-minute states. Credit hours are estimated and are subject to each state’s approval and credit rounding rules. Please visit the program website for program CLE details or visit www.americanbar.org/mcle for general information on CLE at the ABA.