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August 31, 2020

2021 Virtual Update Conference - Course Materials

Wednesday, February 24 – Thursday, February 25, 2021

Wednesday, February 24 – Thursday, February 25, 2021

2021 Virtual Update Conference

Meeting Schedule

2021 Virtual Update Directory

Legislative Update Panel: How Will Congress and the Biden Administration Move Aviation Policy Forward in 2021?”

  1. Bident Regulatory Freeze Memo
  2. Executive Order 13992
  3. How Will Congress and the Biden Administration Move Aviation Policy Forward in 2021?

Global Health Panel: Commercial Aviation in the days of COVID-19:  Where we have been and where do we go from here?

  1. COVID – 19: Weak year-end for air travel and outlook is deteriorating
  2. Executive Order on Promoting COVID-19 Safety in Domestic and International Travel _ The White House
  3. Global-Airline-Testing-Order-RPW Signed
  4. Requirement for Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test or Recovery from COVID-19 for All Air Passengers Arriving in the United States _ CDC

Regulatory Panel: Regulatory Freeze, and Thaw?

  1. Bident Regulatory Freeze Memo
  2. Executive Order 13992

Space Panel: The Commercialization of Low Earth Orbit

  1. AST Update Letter_ April 2020
  2. NASA Plan for Commercial LEO Development
  3. NASA Selects Axiom for ISS Commercial Module
  4. Space Policy Directive 2
  5. Space Policy Directive 3
  6. The International Space Station

Airports Panel:  Airport Revenue Use and Generation in the Pandemic Era

  1. Airport Coronavirus Response Grant Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  2. CARES Act _Airport Grants FAQ
  3. Information for Airport Sponsors considering COVID-19 Restrictions or Accommodations
  4. Section 163 – Final Instructions

Drones Panel: Accelerating Safe Advanced Drone Operations in the National Airspace

  1. Executive Summary -- Final Rule on Operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Over People -- 12.28.20

Litigation Update Panel
: Airline Litigation Where We Have Been and Where we are Going: Focus on Federal Preemption of Claims Alleged Against Airlines

  1. Update on Preemption Defenses Available to Airlines in 2021

Diversity and Inclusion at Law Firms:  Where Are We After Two Plus Decades? 

Hollister “Holly” A. Hill, Partner and Chief Diversity Officer at Troutman Pepper, Atlanta, GA

Kassem Lucas, Partner and Chair of DEI Committees at Troutman Pepper, Philadelphia, PA

  1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Law Firms: Where Are We After Two Plus Decades?

Cargo and Supply Chain

  • Moderator:
    Gerry Murphy, Associate General Counsel of Aviation, Amazon, Seattle, WA
  1. Crisis & Opportunity - Can Air Cargo Deliver

Environmental Issues at Airports: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

  1. US Court of Appeals: The City of Phoenix vs. Federal Aviation Administration 15—1158
  2. US Court of Appeals: The State of Maryland vs. Federal Aviation Administration
  3. County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund – Opinion
  4. What Airport Need to Know About PFA Risks
  5. Water Code Section13267_ Order for the Determination of the Presence of PER and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
  6. Transmittal of Interim Final Environmental Screening Levels (ESLs) for Two Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS): Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoate (PFOA)
Conference Sponsors

Conference Sponsors

Elite & Executive