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June 12, 2019

Space Law Committee

I. Chair’s Message

The Space Law Committee is proud to serve as the main forum within the American Bar Association for space law and policy. As compared to other practices within the legal community, space law is a relative new-comer, being around approximately fifty years. In fact, relatively few law schools, both in the United States and internationally, have space law courses. However, a fundamental shift in space activities is now taking place which is propelling the growth and importance of space law.

Historically, space activities have been dominated by government missions and traditional commercial satellite operations. The rapid advancements in technological capabilities and the miniaturization of spacecraft, however, have given rise to emerging non-traditional space ventures, such as on-orbit servicing, utilization of space resources, space habitats and others. Such “NewSpace” activities are pushing the regulatory and policy envelope for domestic and international space law and heightening the importance of the field of space law for years to come.

With such growth happening today in the field of space activities, there has never been a more opportune and exciting time for law students, newly-minted or seasoned attorneys to get involved in the emerging field of space law. And the first step of immersing yourself in the space sector is by actively participating in the Space Law Committee.

In addition to registering as a member of the Space Law Committee, please feel free to contact any of the Co-Chairs with suggestions or ideas for the group.

Space Law Committee Leadership

Michael Dodge
[email protected]

Alexis Sainz
[email protected]

II. Mission

The Space Law Committee serves as a primary venue within the American Bar Association to provide resources to attorneys and law students on all areas of space law and policy. The Space Law Committee conducts presentations on space law throughout the year, and assists with the planning of the Forum on Air and Space Law’s annual Space Law Symposium held in Washington DC. The Space Law Committee also provides opportunities for the legal practitioners to publish legal articles on emerging space law and policy issues in the Forum’s publication, The Air & Space Lawyer, and is the center for networking opportunities within the space legal community.

Join the Space Law Committee

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