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Government Personnel Committee


The Committee is responsible for administrative law matters arising in the employment of federal, state, and local government personnel, including programs administered by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Merit Systems Protection Board, the Office of Personnel Management and the Office of Special Counsel; for matters involving the role, status, and functions of federal and state administrative law judges and administrative judges; and for other matters pertaining to the representation of such employees and judges by the private bar.

The Committee’s agenda for FY 2018-2019 is to continue our annual ‘brown bag’ lecture programs with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Merit Systems Protection Board and the Office of Special Counsel. Our goals are to serve the public through providing legal education, while raising familiarity of the Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy and awareness of the overall field of government personnel law as a body of administrative law.

Committee Leadership

Shawne Carter McGibbon
Andrew J. Perlmutter

David Alastair Grant

How to Join

Administrative Law Section Members can join this committee by logging into your ABA account. Select  "My ABA" in the upper-right drop-down menu, choose "Manage Memberships," then select "Join Committees" under the Specialty Group Memberships & Committees section.

If you have any questions about joining a committee, please contact us at [email protected], or [email protected].