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Constitutional Law and Separation of Powers Committee


The committee considers constitutional issues surrounding the administrative state. These issues include agency design (e.g., appointments and removal), delegation to agencies (e.g., Congress's authority), agency action (e.g., due process), and availability of judicial review (e.g., standing).

Committee Leadership

Gillian Metzger
Anne Joseph O'Connell

William D. Araiza
William Funk
Jennifer Mascott
Elizabeth Slattery
Louis Virelli

How to Join

Administrative Law Section Members can join this committee by logging into your ABA account. Select  "My ABA" in the upper-right drop-down menu, choose "Manage Memberships," then select "Join Committees" under the Specialty Group Memberships & Committees section.

If you have any questions about joining a committee, please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]