Communication professor Kara Alaimo, PhD and victims' rights attorney Lindsay Lieberman, Esq. will discuss how the sexism and misogyny on social networks is making the offline world less safe for women, how women attorneys can protect and empower themselves and their clients on social media, and what to do if they become victims. Additionally, they’ll discuss why women experts often end up with fewer social media followers than men in their fields and how we can fix this disparity.
Learning Objectives:
- Attendees will learn about the evolving legal landscape of cyber abuse laws at both the state and federal levels and what to do if they or their clients become victims of online offenses.
- Attendees will learn how to protect themselves from catfishers and other predators online; how to try to avoid becoming victims of nude deepfakes; and the best ways to respond to sexism, misogyny and other forms of online trolling.
- Attendees will learn why women experts often end up with less social media engagement and resulting opportunities than men in their fields and how we can fix these imbalances.
The content of this program does not meet requirements for continuing legal education (CLE) accreditation. You will not receive CLE credit for participating.