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    The Makings of an FTC Trade Reg Rule: Spotlight on New Reviews Rule

    1 PM EST

    Have you ever wondered what goes into making an FTC trade regulation rule? Join us to find out! Using the FTC's recently finalized "Rule on the Use of Consumer Reviews and Testimonials" as an illustrative example, this panel will focus on the process of rulemaking - from the initial notice and hearing phases through final rule publication. We'll also explore how public input, industry studies, and evolving marketplace realities can inform and shape the FTC's rulemaking efforts in real-time - and how companies and consumers can meaningfully participate in the rulemaking process.
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    • Austin Del Priore- Kirkland & Ellis LLP
    • Speakers

      • Caiti Zeytoonian- Morgan Lewis
      • Michael Ostheimer- Federal Trade Commission- Bureau of Consumer Protection, Division of Advertising Practices

    Event Details






    Mar 06, 2025

    2025-03-06T13:00:00-05:00 2025-03-06T14:00:00-05:00 The Makings of an FTC Trade Reg Rule: Spotlight on New Reviews Rule Have you ever wondered what goes into making an FTC trade regulation rule? Join us to find out! Using the FTC's recently finalized "Rule on the Use of Consumer Reviews and Testimonials" as an illustrative example, this panel will focus on the process of rulemaking - from the initial notice and hearing phases through final rule publication. We'll also explore how public input, industry studies, and evolving marketplace realities can inform and shape the FTC's rulemaking efforts in real-time - and how companies and consumers can meaningfully participate in the rulemaking process.



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