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    Professors' Corner - Using Private Lands for Production of Renewable Energy: Opportunities and Limits

    12:30 PM EST

    The production of renewable energy is a matter of some national urgency. Federal lands are often used for renewable energy projects and farmlands in the mid-west are increasingly being put into service for energy alongside crop production. But what about private lands in other places? The panelists will discuss the scientific innovations as well as the panoply of laws and regulations that either support or impede the efficacy of renewable energy production on private lands.

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    Event Details






    Dec 10, 2024

    2024-12-10T12:30:00-05:00 2024-12-10T13:30:00-05:00 Professors' Corner - Using Private Lands for Production of Renewable Energy: Opportunities and Limits

    The production of renewable energy is a matter of some national urgency. Federal lands are often used for renewable energy projects and farmlands in the mid-west are increasingly being put into service for energy alongside crop production. But what about private lands in other places? The panelists will discuss the scientific innovations as well as the panoply of laws and regulations that either support or impede the efficacy of renewable energy production on private lands.


    Danielle Stokes

    Univ of Richmond School of Law

    Thomas Bourgeois

    Land Use Law Center



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