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    Activate Diversity - Insights into Border Policies and Legal Advocacy

    2 PM EDT

    Join us for an insightful webinar as part of the Activate Diversity series, where we explore the latest border policies, updates on the asylum ban, and the critical role of legal advocates. This session will provide a general overview of the challenges faced by immigrants and asylum seekers, highlighting the importance of legal support in navigating these complex issues. These issues extend beyond the border, impacting communities across the nation and reaching into interior states. Attendees will leave with actionable knowledge and a better understanding of border policies and with resources for volunteering and supporting legal advocacy efforts.

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    Event Details






    Oct 30, 2024

    2024-10-30T14:00:00-04:00 2024-10-30T15:30:00-04:00 Activate Diversity - Insights into Border Policies and Legal Advocacy

    Join us for an insightful webinar as part of the Activate Diversity series, where we explore the latest border policies, updates on the asylum ban, and the critical role of legal advocates. This session will provide a general overview of the challenges faced by immigrants and asylum seekers, highlighting the importance of legal support in navigating these complex issues. These issues extend beyond the border, impacting communities across the nation and reaching into interior states. Attendees will leave with actionable knowledge and a better understanding of border policies and with resources for volunteering and supporting legal advocacy efforts.



    Commission On Immigration

    Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice

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