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    Technical Standardization Policy Update

    1 PM EST

    The ABA Science & Technology Law Section's Technical Standardization Committee (TSC) invites you to a webinar briefing with the latest developments in public policy around technical standards. Prompted by rapid technology developments like those related to artificial intelligence (AI), Congress and the executive branch are working quickly to address observed and potential opportunities and risks posed to tech developers and consumers.

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    The technical standards ecosystem takes center stage in this public policy debate, as stakeholders across government and in the private sector are already working to address those risks nimbly and with an international scope. On the executive branch side, the Administration is actively implementing its National Standards Strategy on Critical and Emerging Technologies (NSSCET) to coordinate an all-of-government approach to CET standardization amid rapid technology development.

    On the legislative side, Congressional leadership in both chambers has taken the rare step of coordinating cross-committee responses, culminating in significant new proposals working their way through various processes. The expert panel will discuss these policy developments and what they could mean for the technical standards ecosystem, and all the companies and consumers relying on it, moving forward.

    The content of this program does not meet requirements for continuing legal education (CLE) accreditation. You will not receive CLE credit for participating.

    Event Details






    Nov 21, 2024

    2024-11-21T13:00:00-05:00 2024-11-21T14:00:00-05:00 Technical Standardization Policy Update

    The ABA Science & Technology Law Section's Technical Standardization Committee (TSC) invites you to a webinar briefing with the latest developments in public policy around technical standards. Prompted by rapid technology developments like those related to artificial intelligence (AI), Congress and the executive branch are working quickly to address observed and potential opportunities and risks posed to tech developers and consumers.


    Mary Saunders

    American National Standards Institute

    Muhammad Ali

    Hewlett Packard Enterprise

    Phil Wennblom

    Intel Corporation


    Technical Standardization


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