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    The Nuts and Bolts: An Introduction to ERISA Welfare Plans

    1 PM EDT

    Are you new to ERISA health and welfare benefits - or just looking for a refresher on the key rules and legal issues affecting ERISA health and welfare benefits? If so, this program is for you! Our expert panelists will provide an accessible overview of these rules and issues to provide the foundation you need. What is an ERISA welfare plan? What is the tax treatment of ERISA welfare plans? How do ERISA’s requirements regarding preemption, fiduciary duties, and claims procedures apply to welfare plans? How do statutes like COBRA, HIPAA, or the Affordable Care Act fit into the larger scheme? This program will address all those questions and more.

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    MCLE Information
    The ABA will seek 1.5 hours of CLE credit in 60-minute states and 1.8 hours of CLE credit in 50-minute states in states accrediting ABA live webinars and teleconferences. *Credit hours granted are subject to each state's approval and credit rounding rules.

    Log into your ABA account to see discounted fees that may apply to you.

    Health and Welfare Benefit Plans National Institute Attedees
    Complimentary registration with discount code, please email [email protected] for details.

    Employee Benefits Passport
    The Employee Benefits Passport gives you access - for one low price - to all of the JCEB's webinars and provides a 25% discount to attend any or all of the renowned JCEB National Institutes (in-person and virtual), click here for more details or to purchase.

    A limited number of scholarships to defray tuition expenses are available for this program on a case-by-case basis. Qualifying attorneys will receive at least a 50% reduction in the course fee(s). Preference will be given to full-time LL.B. candidates. Scholarship applications must be received in the ABA offices no later than thirty days prior to the program presentation. You will be notified prior to the program if your application is approved. To request an application or receive additional information, e-mail [email protected].

    Event Details






    Oct 15, 2024

    2024-10-15T13:00:00-04:00 2024-10-15T14:30:00-04:00 The Nuts and Bolts: An Introduction to ERISA Welfare Plans

    Are you new to ERISA health and welfare benefits - or just looking for a refresher on the key rules and legal issues affecting ERISA health and welfare benefits? If so, this program is for you! Our expert panelists will provide an accessible overview of these rules and issues to provide the foundation you need. What is an ERISA welfare plan? What is the tax treatment of ERISA welfare plans? How do ERISA’s requirements regarding preemption, fiduciary duties, and claims procedures apply to welfare plans? How do statutes like COBRA, HIPAA, or the Affordable Care Act fit into the larger scheme? This program will address all those questions and more.

    External Sponsors

    American College of Employee Benefits Counsel




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