- Credit hours required: 45 hours per reporting period
- Specialty credits required: 5 hours of ethics, 1 hour on lawyers’ statutory duty to report elder or child abuse, and either 1 hour in mental health, substance use or cognitive impairment that can affect a lawyer's ability to practice law. In alternate reporting periods, at least 3 additional hours must be in programs accredited for access to justice (elimination of bias) under Rule 5.14(c).
- Length of reporting period: 3 years
- Compliance date: December 31
- Reporting date: May 31
- Compliance group: All attorneys report every 3 years. The first reporting period for new admittees begins with admission date and ends on April 30 of the next calendar year. All subsequent reporting periods are 3 years.
- Minutes per credit hour: 60 minutes
- Distance Learning Requirements: May take all credits with live webcast or previously recorded.
- Attendance Reporting Procedure: The ABA reports attendance on behalf of attendees.
About the ABA's CLE
Only the American Bar Association offers high-quality CLE in such a comprehensive range of relevant topics to benefit every legal professional across the nation.