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Oregon CLE Requirements and Courses

Detailed jurisdiction information about MCLE regulations and general information accreditation of ABA CLE events, webinars, and on-demand CLE courses

CLE FAQ for Newly-Admitted Attorneys

Want to learn more about CLE generally, and explore CLE webinars and on-demand products specifically for newly-admitted attorneys?

Oregon Newly-Admitted CLE Rules

In Oregon, within one year after the end of year in which admitted, new admittees must complete 15 credits including 9 practical skills (4 must be devoted to Oregon practice and procedure), 2 legal ethics (one must be devoted to Oregon ethics and professionalism), 1 mental health/substance use, and a 3 credit introductory course in access to justice.

Oregon General CLE Rules

  • Credit hours required: 45 hours per reporting period
  • Specialty credits required: 5 hours of ethics, 1 hour on lawyers’ statutory duty to report elder or child abuse, and either 1 hour in mental health, substance use or cognitive impairment that can affect a lawyer's ability to practice law. In alternate reporting periods, at least 3 additional hours must be in programs accredited for access to justice (elimination of bias) under Rule 5.14(c).
  • Length of reporting period: 3 years
  • Compliance date: December 31
  • Reporting date: May 31
  • Compliance group: All attorneys report every 3 years. The first reporting period for new admittees begins with admission date and ends on April 30 of the next calendar year. All subsequent reporting periods are 3 years.
  • Minutes per credit hour: 60 minutes
  • Distance Learning Requirements: May take all credits with live webcast or previously recorded.
  • Attendance Reporting Procedure: The ABA reports attendance on behalf of attendees.

State Contact Information

Oregon State Bar, 16037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road, P.O. Box 231935, Tigard, OR 97281-1935 | (503) 620-0222

A Note About MCLE Credit

The content on this page is for informational and educational purposes only. Each state has its own rules and regulations indicating what qualifies for CLE credit. Please contact your state MCLE regulatory entity for specific questions about your MCLE rules.