- Credit hours required: 24 hours per reporting period
- Specialty credits required: 3 hours in ethics and professionalism, 2 hours of diversity, inclusivity, & elimination of bias per reporting period
- Length of reporting period: 2 years
- Compliance date: December 31
- Reporting date: March 31
- Compliance group: There are 2 compliance groups determined by attorney birthday. Every attorney is permanently assigned to one of the compliance groups. Compliance Group 1 consists of attorneys born from January 1 through June 30; Group 1 certifies compliance in even-numbered years. Compliance Group 2 consists of those born from July 1 though December 31; Group 2 certifies compliance in odd-numbered years.
- Minutes per credit hour: 50 minutes, rounded down to the nearest tenth.
- Distance Learning Requirements: May take all credits with live webcast or previously recorded.
- Attendance Reporting Procedure: In New Jersey, the ABA relies on their reciprocity policies persuant to which our programs are deemed accredited once they are approved by another MCLE jurisdiction. All ABA programs are approved in California, New York, Georgia, Alabama, Illinois, Missouri and many others. New Jersey is a self-reporting state; attorneys certify compliance when required and on forms provided by the New Jersey board. New Jersey attorneys are not required to report individual course attendance as each course is completed, but must retain their certificates of attendance for at least 3 years and must produce them if audited.
About the ABA's CLE
Only the American Bar Association offers high-quality CLE in such a comprehensive range of relevant topics to benefit every legal professional across the nation.