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    Seeking Closure: Closing the Transaction and Working to Avoid Post-Closing Disputes

    Seeking Closure: Closing the Transaction and Working to Avoid Post-Closing Disputes

    Seeking Closure: Closing the Transaction and Working to Avoid Post-Closing Disputes

    Panelists will address a variety of closure and post closure issues, including last minute due diligence discoveries, reaffirming warranties, and transferring operating permits, to new issues such as emerging contaminants and the impact of developing EJ policies on remedial strategies. Panelists will offer post-closure strategies for addressing ongoing environmental issues and navigating the tensions between prior and current owners.

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    In transactions, closure marks the realization of environmental risk allocation decisions and post-closure marks the time when you find out if they actually work. Panelists will address a variety of closure and post closure issues, including last minute due diligence discoveries, reaffirming warranties, and transferring operating permits, to new issues such as emerging contaminants and the impact of developing EJ policies on remedial strategies. Panelists will offer post-closure strategies for addressing ongoing environmental issues, navigating the tensions between prior and current owners, and preserving and asserting post-closing insurance and indemnity claims.

    The content of this program does not meet requirements for continuing legal education (CLE) accreditation. You will not receive CLE credit for participating.

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