Publications | Book
Powering the Future: A Lawyer's Guide to Clean Energy
This panel will delve into the intricate web of challenges and solutions that arise when we confront natural crises and strive to rebuild with renewable energy and sustainability at the forefront, the imperative shift towards cleaner, more sustainable energy sources, and the pivotal role of government policies in expanding this transition. It will also investigate the complexities of integrating renewable energy into existing grids.
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In the face of Mother Nature’s fury, communities worldwide grapple with the devastating aftermath of natural disasters like hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, and earthquakes. These cataclysmic events lay bare the vulnerabilities of our aging energy infrastructure, leaving entire regions in darkness. Yet, from these challenges emerges an extraordinary opportunity: the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. This panel will delve into the intricate web of challenges and solutions that arise when we confront these crises and strive to rebuild with renewable energy and sustainability at the forefront. Our discussions will delve into the imperative shift towards cleaner, more sustainable energy sources, and the pivotal role of government policies in expanding this transition. We will also investigate the complexities of integrating renewable energy into existing grids, navigating technical, regulatory, and financial obstacles, and environmental justice considerations. Additionally, we will explore the pivotal concept of resiliency and how it can shape the design of energy infrastructure to withstand and recover from the more prolific catastrophic events being seen around the world.
The content of this program does not meet requirements for continuing legal education (CLE) accreditation. You will not receive CLE credit for participating.
Publications | Book
Powering the Future: A Lawyer's Guide to Clean Energy
Publications | Book
Wetlands Law and Policy: Understanding Section 404, Second Edition
Publications | Book
Development by Agreement: A Tool Kit for Land Developers and Local Government, Second Edition
Events | In-Person
2025 Joint Regional CLE Program
BIAS 60 min
This multi-day program will feature eight plenary presentations on hot litigation topics, including committee-specific content, broader litigation interests, and ethics.
Events | Webinar
Corporate Climate Reporting Requirements: A Fast-Changing Landscape [CC]
CLE 90 min
Mandatory corporate reporting of greenhouse gas emissions is a rapidly developing area of the law. This program will detail the latest climate disclosure developments stemming from California's laws,…
Events | Webinar
Beyond Climate: Are Biodiversity and Nature Disclosures the Next Frontier in Financial Reporting? [CC]
CLE 90 min
ABA SEER's Biodiversity and ESG Committees are excited to co-host a panel on the future of financial and business risks related to nature and biodiversity. The panel will focus on the emerging landsc…