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    Awarding Attorney Fees, Costs and Interest in Arbitration

    Awarding Attorney Fees, Costs and Interest in Arbitration

    Awarding Attorney Fees, Costs and Interest in Arbitration

    Attorney fees, arbitration costs, and interest often constitute a significant portion of an arbitration award. This webinar will help arbitrators determine whether such fee and cost awards are appropriate, and if so, how to determine the amount awarded. It will also help arbitration advocates frame arguments in support of, or in opposition to, such fee and cost awards.

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    Join us to learn:

    How an arbitrator should determine whether to award attorney fees and costs;

    1. The basis for an attorney fee and cost award - special issues in arbitration;
    2. How advocates can more effectively advance their clients' interests when seeking, or opposing, awards of attorney fees and costs;
    3. Calculating pre- and post-award interest;
    4. Why these considerations lead to better reasoned awards and reduce the risk of vacatur or modification; and
    5. Best practices for briefing these issues in arbitration and other practical tips.

    The content of this program does not meet requirements for continuing legal education (CLE) accreditation. You will not receive CLE credit for attending. We can not provide certificates of attendance for this program.

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