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Wellness Wednesday Series

Judges in the Military: Perspectives on Careers, Family, and Life After

Wellness Wednesday is a complimentary series for Judicial Division members

Four distinguished military judges will share their background that led them to the military as a career path, their personal accounts about how many times they moved during their military careers and how it affected their personal lives, and finally, they will speak about challenges transitioning their skills into the civilian sector.

The content of this program does not meet requirements for continuing legal education (CLE) accreditation. You will not receive CLE credit for participating.

Linda Strite Murnane
Colonel, USAF, Ret.
Past Chair, ABA Judicial Division

Capt. Benes Z. Aldana
USGA, Retired

Col. Kirsten Brunson
US Army, Retired
Former Army Circuit Judge

Col. Michael Lewis
USAF, Appellate Military Judge