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Job Search

Non-Obvious But Important Job Search Tips for Lawyers

Presented by Dan Binstock and Liz Stone

Note: This is not for CLE. Part of the free Career Development Series, a monthly webinar series featuring practical tips from legal career experts. Live webinars are free and open to the public. The recorded program and materials are exclusively for ABA members.


Everybody has advice on how to get an attorney job.  Some of the advice has withstood the test of time, while some (e.g., you need to have a one-page resume) should be rightfully challenged. And the best advice is often not shared with the masses. This webinar, by two seasoned legal recruiters who have spoken with thousands of attorneys about job transitions, will provide insight and tips on important “dos” and “don’ts” that are often not discussed but can make the difference between a pass or an offer.

Ready to interview.

Ready to interview.


Dan Binstock

Partner, Garrison & Sisson, Washington, DC

Liz Stone

Principal, Stone Legal Search, San Francisco, CA

Video and Materials