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Career Choice Series
Transitioning from Traditional Lawyer to Consultant
Presented by Susanne Aronowitz, Avery Blank, and Neha Sampat
The Career Choice Series is designed to help you choose your career path. Whether you’re a law student, young lawyer, or transitioning attorney, find out what it’s like to work in various practice areas and the best way to position yourself to get there.
Description & Speakers
Because lawyers are uniquely trained to analyze challenges and guide clients to solutions, many choose to serve as consultants. While there are a variety of ways to apply your expertise in a consulting role, our speakers share their experiences and offer guidance on the nature of consulting work, how they transitioned from traditional practice into those roles, and what steps you can take to evaluate if consulting is a good choice for you.
Susanne Aronowitz, Career Coach & Consultant, Susanne Aronowitz LLC, Portland, OR
Avery Blank, Principal & Owner, Avery Blank Consulting, Philadelphia, PA
Neha Sampat, Esq., CEO and Founder of GenLead|BelongLab, San Francisco Bay Area, CA
ABA Career Center, Young Lawyers Division and Law Student Division.