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Job Search


Presented by Michael Aurit and Alyson M. Carrel

Note: This is not for CLE.  Live webinars are free and open to the public. The recorded program and materials are exclusively for ABA members.

The Career Choice Series is designed to help you choose your career path. Whether you’re a law student, young lawyer, or transitioning attorney, find out what it’s like to work in various practice areas and the best way to position yourself to get there.


In this segment, our speakers explore the area of dispute resolution with a focus on mediation. Michael Aurit is a professional mediator and Professor Alyson M. Carrel is a legal educator working in the dispute resolution field. Dispute Resolution practitioners tend to enter the field late in their careers, as a 2nd or even 3rd career. However, there are a growing number of individuals who chose to pursue dispute resolution as their 1st career, straight out of law school or shortly thereafter. Professor Carrel created a video blog,, to highlight their stories and support others who are considering this unique career path.

A successful mediation.

A successful mediation.


Michael Aurit, JD, MDR, Co-Founder and Professional Mediator, The Aurit Center For Divorce Mediation, Scottsdale, AZ

Alyson M. Carrel, Clinical Assistant Professor, Assistant Director, Center on Negotiation and Mediation, Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, Chicago, IL

Liz Stone, Managing Director, The Dubin Group, San Francisco, CA

Sponsored by ABA Career CenterYoung Lawyers Division, Law Student Division, and Section of Dispute Resolution

Video and Materials