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Judge Advocate Generals Corp (JAG)

Presented by LCDR Mishonda Mosley, Captain Corey Tisdale, and Liz Stone

Note: This is not for CLE.  Live webinars are free and open to the public. The recorded program and materials are exclusively for ABA members.

The Career Choice Series is designed to help you choose your career path. Whether you’re a law student, young lawyer, or transitioning attorney, find out what it’s like to work in various practice areas and the best way to position yourself to get there.


More and more, new lawyers are becoming JAG officers (aka Judge Advocate Generals Corp), working in all legal matters involving the military which mirrors almost every aspect of civilian law. JAGs are in each of the five U.S. military branches: army, navy, marines, coast guard, or air force. By becoming a JAG, you are guaranteed a career that has rotating assignments by location and practice area, exposing you to the world and the law in ways you could have never imagined. It provides unrivaled practical and hands-on experience to springboard your career. Our speakers will share with you what attracted them to become a JAG, how they qualified, the pros and cons, and what a typical day as a JAG entails.

Serving your country.

Serving your country.


LCDR Mishonda Mosley, Student, LLM Trial Advocacy, Washington DC; Former Command Judge Advocate, USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77)
Captain Corey Tisdale, Recruiting Officer, U.S. Army Judge Advocate Recruiting Office, Fort Belvoir, VA

Liz Stone, Managing Director, The Dubin Group, San Francisco, CA

Sponsored by ABA Career CenterYoung Lawyers Division,Law Student Division, and Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division

Video and Materials