Sidney Butcher began his career as a prosecutor for the City of Baltimore and the State of Maryland as an Assistant State’s Attorney prosecuting defendants for anything from a misdemeanor to violent felonies. He also worked in the Major Investigations Unit prosecuting violent defenders and individuals or companies for the illegal use of wiretaps. He then transitioned to the other side of the “v.” from prosecution to defense and into the private sector at a law firm where he practices in civil and criminal law including white-collar crime.
Virginia Murphrey will share her experience as a public defender for the State of Minnesota which covers a wide range of criminal matters, from driving offenses to homicide. She will also share how she became a public defender and why she continues to be dedicated to the work in the midst of rising caseloads and budget constraints.
Our knowledgeable speakers will provide invaluable insight into what skills you’ll need to break into criminal law, what drew them to it, the pros and cons, and what a typical day in their practice entails.
Sidney A. Butcher, Counsel, Whiteford Taylor Preston, LLP, Baltimore, Maryland
Virginia A. Murphrey, Chief Public Defender, Tenth Judicial District, Anoka, Minnesota
Liz Stone, Managing Director, The Dubin Group, San Francisco, CA
Sponsored by ABA Career Center, Young Lawyers Division, Law Student Division, and Criminal Justice Section
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