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Administrative Law

Note: This is not for CLE. Live webinars are free and open to the public. The recordings and materials are available to ABA members only.


The Career Choice Series is designed to help you choose your career path. Whether you’re a law student, young lawyer, or transitioning attorney, find out what it’s like to work in various practice areas and the best way to position yourself to get there.

In this segment, our speakers will discuss working as administrative lawyers. Administrative law is a broad practice area that encompasses attorneys in any civil arena that work on government issues which can include audits, enforcement, litigation (issuing subpoenas and taking depositions), or trial work.

Our speakers will provide invaluable insight into how they broke into their respective positions*, the pros and cons, and what a typical day in their practice entails.

Beautiful columns on a government building.

Beautiful columns on a government building.


Nancy Eyl is Assistant General Counsel to the Appalachian Regional Commission, a federal-state partnership dedicated to developing the economy in Appalachia. In this role, Eyl provides legal advice on federal grant regulations and Office of Inspector General (OIG) audits, among other topics.  Previously, Eyl practiced law at the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General and the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction.

Sam Wice is a special counsel at the Securities and Exchange Commission.  His practice focuses on approving rule filings of self-regulatory organizations.  Previously, he was a council member of the American Bar Association’s Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice and an assistant analyst at the Congressional Budget Office.

Cheryl Rich Heisler, President and Founder, Lawternatives, Chicago, IL; Board Member, ABA Legal Career Center

*These remarks reflect solely the personal views of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Securities and Exchange Commission or the Appalachian Regional Commission, the individual members of the Commissions, or their Staff.

Sponsored by ABA Career CenterYoung Lawyers DivisionLaw Student Division, and Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice

Video and Materials (login required)