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Career Advancement

Do This Now To Get A Promotion, Raise, New Job

By Avery Blank


This article was originally published on Forbes.


I help people advocate for themselves and leverage opportunities.

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

Whether things are busy or slow at work, carve out time to complete your accomplishments sheet. An accomplishments sheet is a document that highlights your successes. Others may not remember all the great things you did. This is your opportunity to show and remind others of your achievements.

An accomplishments sheet takes discipline to start and maintain, but it is an investment in your career advancement. You can leverage this information to ask for what you want, whether it is a promotion or raise, benefits-related or another job opportunity. Here are the five steps to completing your accomplishments sheet:

Recap your projects.

Take the time to remember all the projects you worked on. Record these projects, including the individuals and teams you worked with and timeframe.

 Quantify things.

Include numbers, where possible. Quantifying your accomplishments helps others to get a better sense of your impact. How many people reported to you or did you work with? What was the budget? How much revenue did you or the project bring in? How much money or time did you save?

Capture praise by others.

If someone has praised your work, record it. Copy and paste the words of colleagues or clients from e-mails, or indicate what they said in conversations. Include dates of e-mails and exchanges, should you want to reference them later on.

Include publications, speaking engagements and honors.

If you published an article or paper, spoke at an event for work or received an award, jot that down. Publishing and speaking opportunities show your ability to represent the company and increase the company’s exposure.

Mention future projects.

If you have specific plans to add value to the organization, let others know. It shows you are invested in the success of the company and identifying opportunities to increase the company’s impact.

Don’t expect others to remember the great things you did at work. You have to show and remind others of your value. Taking the time to remember and record what you did can pay off. Remember: Use it or lose it. Don’t lose the opportunity to get what you want out of your career. Make your successes work for you, not just your company.

Do you have an accomplishments sheet? What do you include on it? Share with me your stories and thoughts in the comments section below or via Twitter or LinkedIn.

Avery Blank is a millennial impact strategist, women’s advocate, and lawyer who helps others to strategically position and advocate for themselves to achieve individual and organizational goals.